Brave browser 1.0 is released!

I’m typing this blog post from within the web browser called Brave, which just released their 1.0 version. Why is that important you ask?

I wrote about Brave back in 2017 when I switched to it as my main web browser (over two years ago already!?). Using Brave is frankly an underwhelming experience, it’s exactly like using something like Google Chrome. But that’s a good thing. It’s seamless, it’s normal and it’s easy. But what’s so significant is what’s happening under the hood…

Brave natively block all ads, save you battery life and data bills. But perhaps more importantly, Brave provides a new way to interact with and appreciate online publishers through new incentives! In fact, if you’re using Brave you can give me a micro-tip for my blogging (in fact, many of you already have)!

Brave also gives you the ability to earn some cash while opting-in to ads that respect your privacy while paying you for it! I earn about $5-10 per month for this.

And as I tweeted about, this isn’t about earning cash. It’s about opening up the equal opportunity for everyone to use the web privately, while providing ways to interact privately peer-to-peer with each other.

Exciting times ahead!