Short update on my Ethereum dapp series

Over the past week I’ve been working on part 6 of the Building dapps on Ethereum. Unfortunately, time hasn’t permitted me to finish all the development work and document it in blog post.

The previous parts of the series has been working with a local single-node blockchain. In part 6 we are going to cover how to set up a full remote private network for testing, and how to monitor it. Such a network can be shared internally within your company or with other developers that are working on the same project.

Development workflow

The idea is to follow a development workflow such that you (1) develop and test on your local network (2) test on your remote private network (3) test on a public test network, like Rinkeby (4) deploy to the public main network.

Useful tools

The Geth client ships with a couple of tools that makes it easy to deploy private networks, for example puppeth and bootnode. In the upcoming blog post I will explain more about these tools and how to use them.